Most of us 
Are Currently spending
 a Little More Time At Home.  
I can't think of a better opportunity to get your papers in order...
I want to take advantage of this time 
and make my paper piles disappear!
I want to take advantage of this time and make my paper piles disappear!
That organizing all the papers that come into the house can be so overwhelming?
Do you have a countertop that is clear and ready for you to cook a meal? 
The truth is you find yourself moving piles around just so you can find a place to cut your veggies for tonight's dinner?
Ugh! It can be so frustrating... like it NEVER ENDS!
I'm Ready For Change!
Raise your hand if you've ever...
Thrown your hands up wondering exactly WHAT to do with all the papers that come into your house. And then you thought...

Do I need to keep this or should I toss it?

And perhaps one of these scenarios sound familiar...

Maybe you’ve had success clearing all the piles of papers...

Buuuut, within 5 minutes of your family walking in the door things pile up again — never mind bringing in the mail after a long day...
You Move That Paper To Another Pile As A Reminder To “Go Through It Later”.

However, “later” never seems to come...
because there is no time “later” with all you have to do.  
You’ve Tried At Least A Hundred Times 

To “Organize” all the papers with a new filing system only to give up and let the piles win again...

And The Cycle Continues...

Can you relate? If so, I have GREAT NEWS for you.

There is a solution, and I found it!

You actually can break the cycle of paper chaos, 
while truly making your life easier...and less stressed! 

I know, because
I've been there...
I am a mom of two young girls...
I have a husband who is clutter-blind ...
and a dog who sheds faster than my robovac can spin back around to sweep it up. 


I too found myself endlessly frustrated with the piles of papers that kept moving around our house
I would look at it and think I am gonna lose my mind if I look at this one more time!” 

It would consume me...and my mood!

And worst of all...
I would hate the way I acted with my children when I was frustrated because the house felt so chaotic.
I would misplace a form that needed to be returned to school and I would go through four piles without success, meanwhile coming across three other papers that we had been missing for days...

and a bill that was due, uummm...last week.
But I wasn't alone. I'd worked in hundreds of homes (and live in one myself), and I’d seen SO many people tackle a pile, continue in their same habits... and then hope for a different result (the official definition of insanity!). 
It was then when I realized... 
We were just approaching the piles the WRONG way!
So I made a system that changed our life...and our home. 
just imagine...
...your home with less chaos, less overwhelm and a home that feels good to be in and easy to operate. 
You can have all of this.
And feel on top of things each time a new piece of paper enters your home. 
Sound impossible? It’s not!
is this you?


In one year the average person...
Spends 240 hours 
 Looking For A Paper Or Item They Misplaced
Pays $300 in fees 
Related To Missed Payments, Late Returns And Returns That Sat In A Pile
Experiences a stress response 1440 times
Simply From Looking At The Clutter In Their Home

Wouldn't You Like To Reclaim Your Time, Money, Energy 
And, your sanity? You can...and I can help you!

Say "goodbye" to paper piles and "hello" to clear counter tops!
Time-Saving Videos...
You are busy and your time is limited, so I made quick and easy videos to walk you through each step of the simple process! 
Proven Checklists...
I love using checklists with all of my private clients and I made sure to include them here for you!
We can all get stuck from time to time, so I included a library of recorded pep talks to help you when you need it!
In the chaos to calm Paper system
i share my simple 3-step process for managing papers
In a matter of minutes, you will have the tools not only to manage papers more effectively, but a plan to eliminate them!
Not only will you get full access to my 3-Step Process
You will also receive...
VIDEO recordings
So you can listen or watch whereever life takes you!
Barrier busters
Don't get stuck before you get started. I have included my best advice for how to bust through the most common barriers to getting organized. 
Decision MAKer
Letting go of your stuff can be hard and I will help you through this process with my effective decision making method.
Product CHeatsheet
Instead of searching all over for organization products and ending up with another pile that is not serving you, I share all of my favorites so you can get to the right solution quickly!

Hi, I am Stephanie.

I'm a professional organizer, author, and most importantly, a mom of two young girls. 
I know first-hand how hard it is to run a household, manage the lives of many and be the mom you want to be.  I caught myself in the vortex of running around in circles trying to keep our house a way that made me feel good, while I was missing out on the most important moments.

Things shifted in my life, and our home, when I stopped the insanity and started building better systems to manage all of the papers, clothes, toys and chaos in our lives. 

I have helped hundreds of families to create systems in the areas that are causing the stress - the cluttered kitchen counter, the overflowing toys in the playroom, the closet that makes you anxious every time you enter. 
These spaces deplete you of your energy, time, money and cause strains on your relationships. The goal is not to have the perfect space, but to develop a space and a system that creates the home that you want to live in.

If you are ready to move past the chaos and create a system that gives you a sense of calm.

If you are ready to create a system that allows you to feel confident that you can restore order 
(even when life gets a little nutty- because it will) 
I am here for you!

Make YOUR MESSY Paper piles

a thing of the past 
DIGITAL VIDEOS  ...............(Value $200)

PROVEN CHECKLISTS.......(Value $100)

COACHING LIBRARY.........(Value $100)

Total Value = ($450)
Today's Price = $27
Hear from our clients
Hear how they are making paper piles disappear...
We were able to get really strong systems in place!
"Working with Stephanie allowed me to understand WHY were allowing the issues to happen, and how to clean them up for good. We were able to get really strong systems in place just prior to the end of the summer so we are ready to tackle the new school year with a new sense of order and calm. Stephanie was incredibly patient and focused, worked through so many sections of our house and asked me awesome questions throughout. I felt like she really understands our family and what we need to stay organized. She has really taken things to the next level for us, installed some amazing systems that will save us time, restored order to our busiest areas, and I am really excited about using her systems and keeping things tidy and organized"
twin Cities, MN
Game Changer!
"Stephanie’s virtual kit has been a game changer for me! It showed me how to create the needed systems to keep my entryway free of any clutter or papers for months. The coming and going into my home is now stress-free."
Brooklyn, NY

Inspired me to take immediate action1
"Once I simply and easily went through the guides I knew it was time to take action and my families cluttered and messy spaces but I had no idea all of the crazy things that I would discover...Stephanie’s virtual tools inspired me to take immediate action and to change the way that my family lives today. Without Stephanie‘s tools these changes would have never been possible!"

Ken Caryl, CO
My home and business are running smoother!
"I am a fairly organized person when it comes to tasks and work. But when it comes to STUFF? I'm a disaster. 🤦‍♀️At the same time, I hate clutter, so you wouldn't know I'm a mess if you came over. It is my dirty secret. I hide my crazy behind closet, pantry and cabinet doors. Then I open those doors and feel anxious and ashamed that I can't get my sh*& together and just take the time to fix them. Stephanie created systems for everything, so my home and business are running smoother and my stress level is significantly decreased. Not only is this saving me time, but the expense of continuously re-buying supplies I already had, but just couldn't find"

With just a simple system...
You can make paper piles a thing of the past and reclaim your countertop!
but you will need to hurry...
This Special Offer Won't Be Around For Ever!
I can only afford to offer a limited quantity at this special price...
so grab it now!
This amazing offer will be gone in a few make sure your paper piles are too!
Make YOUR MESSY Paper piles

a thing of the past 
DIGITAL VIDEOS  ...............(Value $200)

PROVEN CHECKLISTS.......(Value $100)

COACHING LIBRARY.........(Value $100)

Total Value = ($450)
Today's Price = $27
frequently asked
Wondering if Chaos to Calm - Paper Systems in right for you?
i've tried to get organized beofre. how is this different?
The difference is in the approach and the mindset. This is focused on creating a system not just "organizing" a space in your life. There is a difference.
I am a pretty organized person. How will this help me?
This is not just about getting organized. This is about creating systems that help us to be more efficient in our homes. Even the most organized spaces, although they might look great, could be full of inefficiencies and are often hard to maintain. We will address both of these points. 
My family is not very organized. Could this possibly work for me?
Absolutely! I have a husband, who I love very much, but thinks a pile on the floor is organization! As you go through this tool you will learn to look at behaviors we can work with and how to build systems that take this into account, instead of organizing a space and then getting frustrated when they still won't put things away!!

My life is busy and I have limited time. Will this work for me?
I am a mom of 2 little ones and all about efficiency. I created the kit with this in mind. You will have access to the videos to watch or listen at anytime. They take less 30 minutes and can be listened to in the car or while working out!
How long will I have access to the Information?
I often like to revisit information I receive, so I made sure that you have lifetime access to the Paper System. You can access it as often and whenever you need to!
Make YOUR MESSY Paper piles

a thing of the past 
DIGITAL VIDEOS  ...............(Value $200)

PROVEN CHECKLISTS.......(Value $100)

COACHING LIBRARY.........(Value $100)

Total Value = ($450)
Today's Price = $27
AGREEMENT Each participant takes full responsibility for their own success and results. Life Made Simple will provide expert opinions and advice, but it is at your sole discretion to make your own decisions and actions. Virtual Organization Kit collections are not refundable. - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions
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